Dream Coaching® A proven, structured coaching process. It requires ten phone sessions, journaling and worksheets with themes that build on each other weekly. This process includes very powerful purpose-discovery work and skill-training on how to manifest your life dreams. Some sessions may require repeating to complete the skill process.
Basic package
$500 for ten sessions
Deluxe package
$750 for ten sessions
Grand package
$1000 for ten+ sessions |
ARTbundance™ Coaching A free-form, spontaneous, highly creative and intuitive form of coaching, using ARTbundance™ Principles, ARTsignments™ (powerful creative art/writing exploratory assignments), feeling/body/inner wisdom awareness, and intuition work.
Shot of Express-o
One hour long call, discussing the subject/dream/issue you most want to focus on. Two follow-up emails.
Jolt of Caffeine
Four email conversations (one per week) with ARTsignments™ and feedback on ARTsignments™
$40 per month
Tall Cafe au Lait
Four phone sessions per month (one per week). Homework, ARTsignments™, feedback, between session email
$200 per month
Grand Cappuccino
Four phone sessions per month (one per week). Homework, ARTsignments™ including kits of supplies (postage included), personal meditations, a combination of structured and free-form sessions
$300 per month
Sparked Creative Survivor . . . Financially challenging times? Don't let that stop your dreams. Contact me and we'll discuss a plan.